Tuesday, October 28, 2008

What's Worse?

1.) Public urination.
2.) Encouraging your little toddler to drop trou and piss all over the floor of the subway car.
3.) Clapping and cheering as the pee puddle flows triumphantly down the train with the forward momentum.

I tell you, some things in China still shock me. Yeah yeah, "been there, done that" you say. But seriously, in four years I don't remember seeing the mom and grandma applaud the Little Emperor's urinary skillz. Luckily I witnessed this from a distance; the look of disbelief on the dude sitting next to them was priceless. If a local Shanghainese is taken aback by such behavior, I suppose it's a good sign that things are changing slowly around here. Kids pissing on the metro is a lot better than a bum taking a crap on a train in Manhattan...

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